2025.gada 27. februāris

Andra, Līva, Līvija

Latvijā adoptēta meitene no Amerikas meklē radiniekus

Latvijā adoptēta meitene no Amerikas meklē radiniekus

Sociālajā vietnē Facebook ievietots lūgums palīdzēt atrast radiniekus meitenei, kura dzimusi Latvijā taču adoptēta un šobrīd dzīvo Amerikā.

Diāna Jaudzema dzimusi 1999. Gada 18. Februārī un 1999. Gada novembrī adoptēta no Kalkūnes bērnu namā. Zināms arī meitenes mātes vārds – Viktorija Jaudzema.

Iespējams, Diānai ir arī vecākā māsa, kura arī ir adoptēta un dzīvo Amerikā..

Turpinājumā Facebook ievietotais aicinājums:

Our daughter (Dionna) was adopted from Latvia when she was 9 months old.
Her birth name was Diana Jaudzema, and she was born on February 18, 1999. We believe that she was born in Rezekne, and was at the Kalkuni Orphan Children Care Center until late November 1999 (when we adopted her).
She is now 16, and would like to see if she has any siblings who might have also been adopted (and perhaps living in the United States).
She would also like to contact her birth mother Viktorija Jaudzema (born on
January 25, 1968) who we believe is still living in Latvia.
If you have any guidance or advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Tim Lynch
Severn, Maryland
If you have any information concerning Dionna/Diana, please contact us at lynchfab4@verizon.net.
Thank you very, very much!

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